Why my work placement is the best thing I’ve ever done.

10 months ago I started my placement as a digital marketing assistant feeling nervous and apprehensive; today I finished that placement confident in myself and my future, something I never thought I’d be. I wouldn’t identify as a shy person, nor a loud person, instead fitting somewhere comfortably in the middle. And like any person I have had doubts in my ability to succeed and achieve, but this placement has helped me to realise that I can succeed, and will if I’m willing to work for it.

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How did Pepsi get it so wrong?

Modern day media is one of the world’s most powerful platforms. It allows anyone to share, tweet and post any opinion they have, bringing issues and inequalities to mainstream attention.  This has led to an increased awareness of the issues and conflict that some people face every day, and has inspired many to fight for their freedom and their rights. Many have responded to the rising conflict in various different ways, and it appears Pepsi is one of them.

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Is there any truth to the consultant stereotypes?

Consultancy as an industry and a profession has been gaining recognition over the last decade, yet what most people don’t realise is that consulting is an old time practice that dates back throughout business. Since it was first introduced to the UK in the 1950s, consultancy has gone onto expand into multiple industries, with a variety of roles to offer. As it stands today the industry is worth £12bn and employs more than 80,000 consultants; and is only continuing to grow.

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The SEO waiting game (and why it’s worth the wait)

Before we dive into SEO and dissect what makes it so crucial, we firstly must to define what it is. In a nut shell, it’s the process of optimizing a website to ensure it is as search engine friendly as possible, and ensuring that search engine recognizes that. SEO has become a well-known web process and if you want your business to succeed, it is undoubtedly a necessity. At its simplest function SEO is how you gain traffic from free search results via search engines – often referred to as organic traffic. If you plan on having a successful business, not only must you have a great website that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate but it must be searchable. Having a fantastic website that no one can find via search engines is like kitting out a shop and leaving the shutters closed.

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How Kylie Jenner helps Burger King receive over 1m Instagram likes

In today’s society every industry is facing change as it adapts to the digital world, discovering how technology can enhance their day to day business. Within marketing this couldn’t be more true, the digital development has seen marketing expand its reach into the online realm. Marketing has proven its ability to adapt over the years, continuing to create strategies that work with new technologies used throughout mainstream media.

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